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False Cognates

FALSE COGNATES                                                    Dr. Carlos D. Coton

One of the great things about learning Spanish or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. However, there are also a great many falsos amigos, or false cognates, which look similar but are in fact very different. This is one of the biggest pitfalls for students of Spanish. There are also semi-false cognates: words that can only sometimes be translated by the similar word in the other language.  The following list of 52 may not be exhaustive, but it comes pretty close to it.  I have yet to see a list with more.

Absoluto vs Absolute(ly)

Absoluto is a rather interesting word. Alone, it means absolute, utter, complete. When preceded by en, it means not at all, by no means, no way.
Absolute = absoluto. Absolutely = absolutamente, completamente, totalmente.

Actual vs Actual

Actual means current or present: El presidente actual vive en Madrid - The current president lives in Madrid. Actualmente means currently, at present, or now.
Actual means verdadero or efectivo. Actually can be translated by realmente, en realidad, or en efecto.

Aplicar vs Apply

Aplicar means to apply something, like a theory, paint, or sanctions.
Apply = aplicar when it is a transitive verb. As an intransitive verb, it has many translations: apply for a job - solicitar or presentar; to apply oneself to - dirigirse a uno; to apply in the sense of be applicable - ser aplicable or interesar

Asistir vs Assist

Asistir means to attend.
Assist translates as ayudar.

Atender vs Attend

Atender can mean to attend in Latin America, but in Spain it means to pay attention to, to heed, or to care for.
Attend = asistir.

Billón vs Billion

Billón is kind of a semi-false cognate. It indicates a trillion in US, billion in UK.
Billion, as spoken by an American, = mil millones. When a Brit says billion, s/he means billón.

Bizarro vs Bizarre

Bizarro has two categories of meaning: 1) valient, gallant, brave, or 2) generous.
Bizarre means extraño or raro (see raro vs rare, below).

Blanco vs Blank

Blanco is a semi-false cognate. It is usually the Spanish word for the color white but can in some instances be translated by blank: una página blanca - a blank sheet of paper.
is an adjective meaning en blanco, liso, or sin adorno.

Campo vs Camp

Campo means country(side), field, or farm.
Camp refers to un campamento.

Carpeta vs Carpet

Carpeta = folder, file, portfolio, briefcase, or table cloth.
Carpet is una alfombra or una moqueta.

Complexión vs Complexion

Complexión refers to one's constitution, make-up, temperament, or physical build.
Complexion = la tez, el cutiz, or la piel.

Compromiso vs Compromise

Compromiso is an obligation, commitment, promise, or agreement.
Compromise as a noun can be expressed as una transacción, una avenencia, unas concesiones recíprocas, el término medio, or la solución intermedia. The verb is comprometer or transigir.

Constipación vs Constipation

Constipación and its synonym constipado both refer to a cold or catarrh.
Constipation = el estreñimiento.

Contestar vs Contest

Contestar means to answer or reply.
as a verb means impugnar, atacar, disputar, or contender.

Corresponder vs Correspond

Corresponder means things like to correspond, tally, fit in, match, or belong.
Correspond translates to corresponder only in the sense of agreeing with or matching (e.g., this corresponds with our thoughts). When referring to a correspondence by mail, the Spanish translation is escribirse or estar en correspondencia con.

Decepción/Decepcionar vs Deception/Deceive

Decepción = disappointment. Decepcionar = to disappoint.
Deception = un engaño, un fraude.
To deceive = engañar, defraudar.

Delito vs Delight

Delito refers to a crime, offence, or misdeed.
Delight = el placer, el deleite, el encanto, or la delicia. To delight = encantar or deleitar.

Desgracia vs Disgrace

Desgracia means misfortune, mishap, accident, setback, or bad luck.
Disgrace refers to la deshonra or ignominia.

Despertar vs Desperate -

Despertar means to wake up, both figuratively and literally, and requires a direct object. To say "I'm waking up" in the sense of getting out of bed, you need to use the reflexive form, despertarse.
Desperate = desesperado

Destituido vs Destitute

Destituido means devoid of or lacking.
Destitute = indigente, desamparado, necesitado, or en la miseria.

Disgusto vs Disgust

Disgusto is not as strong as disgust; it means annoyance, displeasure, grief, or trouble.
Disgust refers to repugnancia or aversión.

Educado vs Educated

Educado means well-mannered, polite, or cultivated, from the verb educar - to raise, bring up, rear.
Educated is from the verb to educate: formar or instruir.

Embarazada vs Embarrassed

Embarazada means pregnant. It can also be a noun: una embarazada = a pregnant woman, an expectant mother.
Embarrassed is avergonzado, molesto, or incómodo.

Emocionante vs Emotional

Emocionante means exciting, thrilling, or moving.
Emotional indicates something that is afectivo, emocional, or emotivo, or someone that is sentimental.

Éxito vs Exit

Éxito means success: a gran éxito - very successful.
Exit is una salida.

Fábrica vs Fabric

Fábrica is a factory, plant, or mill.
Fabric is el tejido or la tela.

Fútbol vs Football 

Fútbol refers to soccer (in American English).
Football = le fútbol americano.



Fútil vs Futile -

Fútil means trivial, while
Futile means inútil, vano, or infructuoso

Insulto vs Insult -

Insulto means insult in most places, but in Mexico it can also refer to indigestion or a stomachache.
Insult = insulto.

Introducir vs Introduce

Introducir is a semi-false cognate. It means to introduce only in the context of introducing a topic.
Introduce can mean to introduce a topic or a person. The latter is translated by presentar in Spanish.

Largo vs Large

Largo means long, generous, or abundant.
Large = grande or importante.

Librería vs Library

Librería is a bookstore.
Library refers to una biblioteca.

Minorista vs Minority

Minorista is a Caribbean and South American word for retail or retail seller.
Minority = la minoría or, as an adjective, minoritario.

Molestar vs Molest

Molestar means to annoy or bother.
Molest = acosar sexualmente.

Nombre vs Number

Nombre means name or noun.
Number is un número.

Once vs Once

Once is eleven in Spanish.
Once = una vez.

Preservativo vs Preservative

Preservativo indicates a condom.
Preservative is un conservador.

Pretender vs Pretend

Pretender means to claim: Ella pretende ser rica - She claims to be rich.
Pretend is translated by fingir or simular.

Raro vs Rare

Raro can mean rare, but more commonly means odd or strange.
Rare = poco común or excepcional.

Real vs Real

Real = royal.
Real means verdadero, auténtico, or legítimo.

Realizar vs Realize

Realizar means to realize only in the sense of to make real, to attain, or to fulfill.
Realize can mean realizar as well as darse cuenta de, comprender, and reconocer.

Recordar vs Record

Recordar means to remember, recall, or remind.
Record is equivalent to registrar, inscribir, or grabar.

Revolver vs Revolver -

Revolver is a verb: to move around, turn over, revolve, or disturb.
Revolver is a noun: un revólver (that accent is important!) 

Ropa vs Rope

Ropa means clothing.
Rope = una cuerda or una soga. 

Salario vs Salary

Salario refers to hourly wages, while
Salary indicates fixed earnings per month or year: el sueldo.

Salvage vs Salvaje

Sano vs Sane

Sano = healthy, fit, or intact.
Sane means cuerdo, sensato, or de juicio sano.

Sensible vs Sensible

Sensible = sensitive or regrettable.
Sensible means juicioso, sensato, or prudente.



Sobre vs Sober

Sobre is either a noun: envelope or a preposition: on, above, over.
Sober means sobrio or sereno.

Sopa vs Soap

Sopa refers to soup or, informally, a hangover, while
Soap is jabón.

Suceso vs Success

Suceso is an event, incident, happening, or outcome.
Success refers to un éxito or triunfo.

Tuna vs Tuna -

Tuna has a range of meanings: prickly pear, a student music group, the life of a rogue, and, in Central America, drunkenness.
Tuna = el atún


Disclaimer: The words discussed here are not explained in every possible context. There may be occasions where the Spanish and English mean the same thing. I have chosen word pairs that are usually not related by anything other than spelling. For complete definitions and more extensive examples, please consult a dictionary.